
Lord Dattatreya Jayanti – Who Are Lord Dattatreya’s 24 Gurus

December 02, 2024 Monday

Dattatreya Jayanti Special – Who Are Lord Dattatreya’s 24 Gurus

The sacred Dattatreya Jayanti will be celebrated in the month of Margashirsha. In 2024, this auspicious occasion falls on December 14. Lord Dattatreya is revered as the combined form of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh, and he is often referred to as the Supreme Guru. In tantric traditions, Guru Dattatreya holds a particularly esteemed position.

Lord Dattatreya – A Part of the Trinity

According to tradition, Lord Dattatreya was born on the full moon night of the Margashirsha month during the Pradosh period, making December 14, 2024, a significant day for his celebration. Devotees believe that worshipping Lord Dattatreya can alleviate the negative influences of the Guru planet. For those experiencing difficulties related to their Guru or if the Guru in their horoscope is not providing positive outcomes, special worship of Lord Dattatreya is highly recommended. He plays a vital role in Vedic worship and renunciation and is recognized as the supreme Guru of Shri Vidya. The Datta Sampradaya, named in his honor, enjoys great popularity in South India. Lord Dattatreya embodies the powers of the Trimurti—Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Ancient texts tell the story of Rishi Atri and his wife Anasuya, who had three sons, one of whom was Lord Dattatreya.

Lord Dattatreya’s 24 Gurus

Lord Dattatreya gained wisdom from 24 gurus by observing the world around him, including nature, animals, and people. Here are the 24 gurus of Lord Dattatreya along with the lessons he learned from each:

  • Pigeon: Dattatreya witnessed a pair of pigeons caught in a net while trying to protect their young. He realized that excessive attachment often leads to suffering.
  • Honeybee: The honeybee dedicates its life to producing honey, which others then consume. Dattatreya learned the importance of not hoarding more than what is necessary.
  • Kuri Bird: The Kuri bird holds a piece of meat in its beak but cannot eat it, and stronger birds take it away. Dattatreya understood that wealth that cannot be enjoyed is of no value.
  • Bhringi Insect: From the Bhringi insect, Dattatreya learned that the mind becomes what it focuses on, whether positive or negative.
  • Moth: A moth is drawn to fire and ultimately burns itself. In the same way, humans often fall victim to false attachments and desires.
  • Bumblebee: Just as the bumblebee gathers pollen from various flowers, Dattatreya learned to embrace knowledge and good teachings wherever they may be found.
  • Silkworm: The silkworm undergoes a transformation by wrapping itself in a cocoon before becoming a butterfly. Dattatreya learned that through self-reflection, one can achieve personal transformation.
  • Spider: Just as a spider weaves its web and ultimately consumes it, Dattatreya recognized that creation and destruction are integral to the divine play of Maya (illusion).
  • Elephant: When an elephant encounters a female, it becomes infatuated. A true ascetic must not allow desires to divert their focus.
  • Deer: A deer can become so entranced by music and pleasures that it fails to notice lurking predators. Dattatreya emphasized the importance of living fully in the present, as the future remains uncertain.
  • Fish: A fish gets ensnared by its greed for a morsel of meat. Dattatreya taught that greed leads to entrapment.
  • Snake: A snake rarely stays in one spot for long. In the same way, a seeker of knowledge should not settle but continue to pursue wisdom.
  • Python: A python consumes its prey slowly and with patience. Dattatreya advised that one should approach worldly objects with a similar patience.
  • Child: From a child, Dattatreya learned the value of being carefree and joyful.
  • Pingala: There was a woman named Pingala who imparted the lesson that true happiness lies not in material wealth but in the divine. Dattatreya absorbed this wisdom from her.
  • Arrow-maker: Dattatreya observed an arrow-maker so absorbed in his craft that he overlooked the king passing by. He learned the significance of unwavering focus and dedication in one’s work.
  • Sky: From the sky, Dattatreya understood the importance of remaining detached from worldly attachments, staying constant and unchanging regardless of circumstances.
  • Water: Just as water flows freely without hindrance, Dattatreya taught that one should maintain purity while navigating through life.
  • Sun: Like the sun that shines steadily, the soul is united with the divine, and its light connects us to the supreme soul.
  • Wind: The wind does not show favoritism among people. Likewise, humans should strive to avoid discrimination and treat everyone equally.
  • Ocean: From the ocean’s tides, Dattatreya learned that life has its highs and lows, and one should remain undisturbed by these fluctuations.
  • Fire: Dattatreya taught that, similar to fire, one should adjust to any circumstance while staying true to their core self.
  • Moon: The moon’s glow stays constant, no matter if it is growing or shrinking. Dattatreya understood that the soul, like the moon, remains steady amidst life’s fluctuations.
  • Earth: From the earth, Dattatreya learned the virtues of patience and resilience, as the earth endures everything without grumbling.

These insights from Lord Dattatreya’s 24 gurus offer deep wisdom for leading a life marked by understanding, detachment, and self-discovery.