
What is Mangal or Manglik Dosha, and Is it Important for marriage?

February 12, 2025 Wednesday

What is Mangal or Manglik Dosha and how important is it for marriage?

In India, relationships are often solidified based on matching horoscopes. If someone’s horoscope has Manglik Dosha, then their entire family becomes worried about their marriage. Mangal Dosha becomes a significant parameter for marriage in India. However, there could be other disadvantages due to Mangal Dosha that people often overlook. Let’s understand what Mangal Dosha is and its disadvantages.

Mangal Dosha or Manglik Dosha

In the horoscope, when the planet Mars is positioned in the first, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house, it forms Mangal or Manglik Dosha. In some places, Mars in the second house is also considered as Manglik Dosha. However, there are different opinions on this among astrologers, some do not consider Mars in the second house as Mangal Dosha.

Disadvantages of Manglik Dosha

Generally, Manglik Dosha often causes delays or difficulties in marriage. One reason for this is that a person with Dosha is often recommended to marry someone else with Manglik Dosha. After matching horoscopes, relationships are confirmed this way. Additionally, there could be other troubles for a person with Dosha, such as:

  •  Frequently getting injured
  •  Fear of accidents
  •  Issues with blood relatives
  •  Difficulty in repaying loans
  •  Disputes over ancestral property
  •  Conflicts with siblings

People with Mangal Dosha often face several such problems.

In which houses does Mars cause what kind of trouble?
Mangal Dosha is caused when Mars is positioned in the first, fourth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth house. Even in these placements, Mars can cause different issues too:

  • If Mars is in the first house, the person tends to be very irritable, which can lead to disruptions in their work.
  • If Mars is in the second house, conflicts often arise with family members.
  • If Mars is in the fourth house, there can be difficulties related to land and property matters.
    If Mars is in the seventh house, there may be tensions in married life.
  • If Mars is in the eighth house, there is a perpetual fear of accidents.
  • If Mars is in the twelfth house, money is often spent on hospital visits, court cases, or unnecessary trips. However, it should be clarified here that if Mars is in its own sign or in a favorable position, even in these houses, Mars can be auspicious for you.

Is Manglik Dosha necessary for marriage?

Yes. This is mentioned in scriptures that Manglik Dosha should be checked before marriage. A person affected by Mangal Dosha is recommended to marry someone else with Dosha. There is also a scientific reason behind this. Due to Mangal Dosha, a person often remains agitated; they are easily angered. If such a person marries someone who understands and manages them similarly, conflicts regarding respect can be minimized. Otherwise, it can be difficult to maintain harmony in life.

Is it possible to remedy Dosha?

Absolutely! Although it should be clarified that Manglik Dosha cannot be completely eliminated from the horoscope, it is possible to mitigate it through some simple remedies. If you are Manglik, you can consult special astrologers who are experts in this field for a solution.