
The Personality Of The People Born On 7th, 16th Or 25th Of Any Month.

July 21, 2023 Friday

Ketu, associated with individuals born on the 7th, 16th, or 25th of any month or those whose destiny or name number equals 7, holds influence over them. These qualities are most prominent when 7 is their psychic number. Rahu and Ketu, positioned 180 degrees apart and referred to as the dragon's head and tail, are the two nodes of the Moon. Ketu, the dragon's tail, is less malevolent than Rahu and is considered a cause of liberation or moksha-karak. It fosters detachment from worldly desires, spiritual inclinations, wisdom, discrimination, and psychic abilities. Under Ketu's influence, individuals become sensitive, emotional, disinterested in material success, and drawn to self-knowledge and enlightenment. Ketu is neutral in gender (though some see it as feminine), tamasic in nature, and disruptive and destructive in character. Its influence can make individuals inert, and it's particularly powerful at night, making its natives easily irritable. When unfavorably positioned in astrology, it can lead to confusion and mental instability, even possession-like experiences. However, when Ketu is favorable, it can empower individuals to heal those affected by spirits and engage in various forms of alternative healing. Those governed by Ketu are talkative, enjoy discussions and debates, live in fantasies, possess intuition and imagination, and can be shabby in appearance. Their outlook is cosmopolitan, accepting truths from all religions while possibly creating their own belief systems. Ketu also governs old age, bestowing a wind-dominated body chemistry, leading to restlessness. As for astrological relationships, Mercury, Venus, Rahu, and Saturn are considered friends of Ketu, while Jupiter is neutral, and the Sun, Moon, and Mars are its adversaries. In the present era, Ketu, along with Rahu and Saturn, is thought to have gained more influence. Number 7, which corresponds to those born on the 7th, 16th, or 25th day of any month, is a psychic number. While 7s may face challenges due to the influence of Ketu, they can also develop characteristics such as indecision, disruption, restlessness, and a tendency to be revolutionary. Despite the potential for obstacles, many 7s excel in fields like poetry, art, science, and numerology. Psychic number 7 people are deeply spiritual and kind-hearted. They are social, romantic, sentimental, and noble, with original expressions and independent approaches to life. They are advocates of individual freedom, have a philosophical outlook, and can mobilize public opinion in favor of their ideas. They are friendly to all, have a multi-faceted personality, and are known for their restlessness, love of change, and interest in mystery and the occult. Their life settles after the age of 34, and they excel as writers, painters, poets, and philosophers. They are either materialistic or spiritual, progressing quickly if they choose a spiritual path. Their lives are marked by hard work, struggles, and late success. In matters of love, they have a special charm and tend to have multiple relationships outside of marriage. They often benefit from friends and are flexible in nature. Individuals with a psychic number of 7 should observe specific precautions to optimize their lives. They should assess projects carefully, avoid wasting their energies on tasks beyond their capacity, accept changes, avoid excessive smoking and alcohol, engage in physical activities, and cultivate punctuality. Practicing meditation and focusing on mantras can also help them find balance and growth. Regarding their destiny number, 7 is considered favorable as it enhances the qualities associated with their psychic number. Ketu, ruling number 7, can be influenced by the vibrational field of the planets with which it interacts. The destiny number can adjust and accommodate these influences, making individuals more adaptable and likable. It also enhances qualities such as prompt decision-making, creativity, and intuitive powers. Balancing their internal and external environments is essential for the well-being of number 7 individuals. Fasting on specific days, observing weak and strong periods, and paying attention to good dates, days, colors, and gemstones can help maintain balance. In terms of relationships, number 7 individuals have different interactions with people having other psychic numbers. They are most compatible with numbers 1, 3, 6, 8, and 9, while number 2 is less compatible, and number 5 tends to be troublesome. Each combination has its unique dynamics and areas of mutual benefit or challenge. Number 7 individuals tend to be supportive of their friends and are idealists. They are open to various spiritual beliefs and philosophies, making them tolerant and adaptable. However, they may face challenges in romantic relationships due to their restlessness and attraction to mystery. Their life path often includes struggles and late success, but they have a special charm and a positive impact on others.